About Us

Gravita India Ltd is one of the largest Non Ferrous metal producer in India established in the year 1992 at Jaipur. Company is anchored by more than 500 forward looking professionals. Company is listed in NSE & BSE as per company act.
Leading Manufacturer of Aluminium
The Group is extremely versatile and maintains stringent ethical standards. We are committed to the preservation and protection of our natural resources and the environment. We have the ISO 9001:2015 certification (certified by URS and accredited by NABCB and IAF), ISO 14000:2015, and ISO 45001 (certified by URS, accredited by UKAS and IAF).
Over 30 years of experience in the nonferrous industry have made us pioneers in the field, and Gravita is a name one can justifiably be proud of today.

GRAVITA at a Glance
Delivering Excellence and Satisfaction to all our clients.
Country Presence
Years of Growth
International Market Revenue
Clients Worldwide
to be the most valuable company in the recycling space globally.
To be amongst the top 5 global companies in recycling by 2026 through: